Cookie Chef Babo has arrived to be mailed away…

The Cookie Chef Babo promo has arrived at Double Punch! When you purchase $25 worth of Uglydoll products at Double Punch, you can mail away for a *FREE Cookie Chef Babo.

Cookie Chef Babo’s background story:

If the cookie is the reward and baking is the hard work, then Babo knows you understand what it takes to get from point A to point B. It takes 2 minutes? No no Babo…OK, look…Sure you can grab packaged cookies or pop some ready-made dough in the microwave with all that radiation, etc…but if you work at it and give it your all, you can enjoy the truly rewarding taste of baked goodness…Ok, he ate the dough, never mind.

*You gotta pay $4.95 for shipping and handling brah!